This is a typical position for Marisca this month - under something. She's got the hang of getting up onto hands and knees, but then slides backwards rather than crawls forwards! I spend a lot of time rescuing her... she spends a lot of time getting frustrated as her toys seem to move away from her. More recently, she has also mastered the art of getting back into a sitting position from her tummy. Now she can slide, then sit, then slide, then sit and so on. Hopefully by next month she'll have added forward motion to the mix, although then my life could be more hectic!
Looking at photos, this one also shows a typical facial expression. Maybe this is Marisca's photo face?
Interestingly, the biggest change this month has been with me. A few months ago I couldn't think of going back to work as I couldn't believe that Marisca could survive without me. However, now she will happily go 4-6 hours between feeds, and will even take a bottle if I'm not around. Suddenly I can see time for myself being possible again! And now I want - and need - that. I love Marisca to bits and love being her Mum, but need time to be me as well. For various reasons I've extended my maternity leave to April, but am now jealous of my friends who are going back to work part time. Funny how life changes, isn't it?