Last week Elspeth was off helping out at the NCT's nearly new sale all day, so Marisca had me all to herself, until the afternoon when she had to share me with the rugby. You can see that she's getting ready for the game by working on her try scoring technique - no swallow dives here, but it's a nice no-nonsense touchdown. Good to see her supporting the local team, but a shame that she's playing with an Irish ball.
We then enjoyed some photographs in the sunshine, both inside:
and out:
Now that the weather is warmer I'm trying to get Marisca outside exploring as much as possible. She's outside quite a lot being transported or playing on the swings, but hasn't had much time down on the ground looking around. We obviously want her to enjoy the outdoors, and she wasn't sure about being out on the patio so more experience is required. She did like the grass down by the lake on Sunday though, but I don't have any photos of that.
A while ago, when Marisca was very little, we visited a Next sale and picked up some nice clothes for when she's older. I especially liked the stripey top which she's just grown into - mostly because it's a pretty good match for one Elspeth has:
Lastly - yesterday's new trick. She's been quite good at crawling up and down the small step into our kitchen, and has really grown in her ability to crawl under, over, and round things in the past few weeks. She demonstrated her climbing ability yesterday by assailing the stairs - not just one step but two. We were even more impressed that she managed to negotiate herself safely down again. We definitely need to keep the gate closed now, and lock it too!