My boy is beautiful. We think his blue eyes are here to stay, and his hair is showing signs of curl - especially cute is the little flicky curl over one ear, shown above. And his smile! Always ready to grin and coo at anyone who stops to say hello, but he reserves special smiles and excitement for his Mummy and Daddy.
Ten months old and Tom now has a mean turn of speed when crawling. Depending on the situation he either pulls up onto his knees, walks along awkwardly on hands and feet, or drops down and does his 'worm' commando crawl. When he reaches a wall or chair he pulls himself up, but is showing no signs of wanting to walk yet. One of his favourite games is crawling after his sister as she chases around him. Watching them giggle together and enjoy each others company is lovely, and makes up for all the times I have to pull Marisca off Thomas or remove Thomas from Marisca's toys!
Talking of toys and games, Thomas is currently loving toys with wheels and balls that he can roll then crawl after. He loves engaging us in 'conversation' and giggles his head off if we copy his head nods and clapping. His dexterity continues to improve, and he is putting this to great use at meal times. He is particularly good at handing us things: blocks, happyland firemen, his yoghurt spoon for us to refill... What a clever boy!