Fans of the blog will surely be wondering where all the camping has gone this year. A rudimentary google search for "blueberry curls camping" suggests we've blogged about it c. 3.36 million times. But this year we've just not found the time. Having got back from Australia we sought to rectify this and booked a weekend up in Kettlewell.
Fans of the Mosedale children (multiple generations) will know that when camping, you take photos of football being played.
Those same fans will know that breakfast consists of multipacks of cereal. Two boxes each day, with this pair. This might be the last year that Marisca gets her own choice each day though, I imagine those coco pops will be quite coveted.
We had a lovely walk up Consitone Dib and to Conistone Pie. Marisca did great, nearly 3 miles of walking and quite hilly. She loved scrambling up the gully and we loved watching her have so much fun.
It was very windy on top!
Fans of Elspeth will know that Elspeth doesn't like me publishing pictures of her mid-eat, so this is the best family photo I have. Marisca is mid-eat and mid-sulk too.
Fans of Wharfedale will know Kilnsey trout farm. We had good fun exploring and feeding the fish.
Even fans of scarecrows will find Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival a little bit too much. There were some very good scarecrows and some pretty dull scarecrows. There were a lot of scarecrows. We abandoned after c. 75% of known scarecrows and had cake in a cafe instead. A wise choice. Here are my favourites: may pole scarecrows and wedding scarecrows.
And I'm not sure how this happened. I mean, I remember taking the photo so it definitely happened, but I have no recollection of any blue sky whatsoever this weekend. That didn't stop us having a lovely time though. More camping next year!