Well we've had a very nice Christmas. It's heading towards being over - we're home from our New Year travels - although there's still cheese and chestnuts to be eaten and the tree will remain up for a day or two yet.
This Christmas was spent at home - my first as churchwarden so I was on duty. We got up to some traditional and untraditional things, as illustrated below.
Untraditional: pretending to be an elf and a snowman after going up the tramway to see Santa. Also untraditional, not bursting into tears at the sight of Santa.
Traditional: looking for presents at the bottom of a stocking. Both children were heavily into presents this year - actually, Marisca was remarkably even tempered about it but Tom was mad keen for presents. His, anyone else's, he didn't really mind.
Traditional: Redcurrant jelly with Christmas dinner. Untraditional: only eating the redcurrant jelly.
Traditional: hats.
Traditional: Christmas film (room on the broom I think).
Traditional: a bit of a walk and a cafe. Tom enjoying playing with the Curl Originator.
Careless: taking a nice photo of the children with the sun behind me. Even the curls couldn't shield Tom from its glare.
Traditional: posed family shot.
Untraditional: a stop on the trip down to Bristol to Do Engineering
Untraditional: Doing Science involving dancing raisins.
Traditional: pottering around town on New Year's Eve
Traditional: getting home to realise that this is the only photo I took of the cousins who all had such a lovely time playing together. And none of the siblings. Oh well, next year.