Monday, 6 April 2015

Easter again.

Well the last post was from my phone and these are camera pictures so, well, it's just easier to keep them separate.  And if I didn't post this you'd not get to see the children enjoying eggs or (another) lovely day, at Yeadon Tarn.  Marisca's getting very confident on her balance bike, and Tom is still growing into his scooter...

Easter weekend

It's Easter Monday and it feels like summer - a beautiful hot and sunny day, and after playing at a local garden centre we spent a nice afternoon in the garden.  The first weekend of the year where we've had the back door open all afternoon with children wafting in and out.  Marisca did have a good time looking for minibeasts and exploring in the garden before falling back to her natural tendencies.

And Tom will thank me for this in future years...  He's just decided this weekend that he wants to wear pants so we're going with it.  So far false positives outnumber the messier mistakes and he's doing very well!

A walk in the woods

Back on Mothers' Day we had Grandma visit us and went for a little walk in the woods.  I've just found the photos on my camera and it's striking how cold it looks - this was only 3 weeks ago, a clear contrast to the Easter photos I'll post later tonight!  All 5 of us walked, as more-or-less evidenced below, but I spent most of the time walking with Tom which was brilliant as he did really well with the walk and had a lot of fun.  And I had fun photographing him too.