We're out of sequence again - it's not always easy to find time to update the blog when cuddling Marisca is so much fun! However, being on your own with a small baby all day can be - shock - a bit dull. I've found life is much better if I have plenty of events planned, so I spend a lot of my time drinking coffee with other Mums. To spice things up a bit we had a champagne picnic in the park a couple of weeks ago. One of the benefits of maternity leave is the lack of short lunch breaks, so we spent several happy hours relaxing with a picnic and baby cuddles.
This is the life: a nice drink for Mum (Lucy) and baby (Leo)
The babies all behaved impeccably: we lined them up for a comparison shot of Leo and his harem: left to right we have Leo, Marisca, Esta and Orla.

The picnic was such a success we're repeating it next week. Champagne makes a nice change from coffee!
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