I had another couple of days of holiday to use before the end of the month, and after camping in Wales a few weeks ago we decided on a whim (or as close to a whim as you can get with a 4 month old) to have a weekend camping by ourselves, in our new big family tent.
We chose to go to the North York Moors again having enjoyed our weekend there at the end of last year's camping holiday. We found a nice campsite just outside Robin Hood's Bay with really stunning views.

stunningness of the views had a corollary: sea breezes. Putting up a big tent that we've never pitched before in a stiff breeze with a baby who demanded attention was interesting! We managed it though, and sat back, amazed at the size of the tent. I said at the time that by the end of the weekend we would be absolutely used to it and not be able to go back to the little tent - I'm not sure that's quite true, but we certainly enjoyed having so much space. Unfortunately strong sea breezes and big family tents don't mix too well... The tent survived fine for the first two nights, until Monday morning when we were preparing to go out to Whitby for the day, listening to the weather forecast of storms coming in, and as the winds picked up our clifftop position seemed a touch precarious. Sure enough, the wind shifted direction onto the front of the tent, got up a good blow, and started pushing the poor little poles over. When it dropped again the poles sprang back to shape, but we didn't fancy leaving it for the day and coming back to see whether we still had a tent! So we cut our stay a night short, and decided that sheltered campsites are
probably more feasible for the next little while.
Aside from the fun of the tent, we had a really nice time. We had our first proper walk (over a hill, with an OS map, and lunch halfway round, although only 5 and a half miles it's a good start) up over the moor of
Ainthorpe Rigg and down Little
Fryup Dale.
Marisca enjoyed the walk in the sling more than the scratchy heather when she needed changing on the top.

Later on we drove up Beacon Hill to introduce Risky to trig points. I know it doesn't really count because we didn't walk there, but it's good enough for us.

On the day we packed everything up, we did go into Whitby and enjoyed the traditional sights, in traditional weather. Yes, Marisca was nicely wrapped up in a sling with mummy. Yes, that means mummy had to wear daddy's waterproof. Yes, that means daddy didn't have a raincoat. Note to self: take two daddy sized raincoats on our next camping holiday.
Marisca enjoyed the fish and chips...
Finally, I don't think I'm capable of writing a blog entry about "things we have done" that doesn't include a gratuitous photo of my little girl that makes me feel soppy when I see it. So here she is, napping in her new tent.
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