(our version of spots v stripes. I apologise for my bed hair, but it's such a lovely picture of Marisca I couldn't resist posting it).
Another month, and suddenly Marisca is a completely different person! There has been lots of development in the last couple of weeks: she's so much more aware of the world around her and is obviously fascinated by everything she sees. Not only does she now reach out for whatever you are holding, but she'll reach out for anything that takes her fancy. On holiday this week she managed to pick up a sugar packet from the pot on the table and pop it in her mouth! Meanwhile she is fascinated by anything we do: particularly watching us eat and drink while she's sitting on our laps.
As well as this the other new skill is rolling over. Marisca can now flip from her back to her front. I'm not sure she knows she's doing this just yet, but I'm sure that will come! Thankfully, she's always loved tummy time so ending up on her front doesn't usually bother her.
Of course, the problem withthis new-found mobility is that she gets stuck. I've just had to go and rescue her from the corner of the cot where she'd got wedged while trying to get to sleep. She's fighting sleep a lot more now in the evenings: I think she wants to stay awake and try out her new-found skills. As with everything, I'm sure this is a phase and it will pass.
She is still our beautiful little girl, and getting bigger by the day. We're looking forward to all the development this month, at the end of which we've got the excitement of weaning to look forward to :-)