Anyway, over the last couple of weeks we have been starting to introduce Marisca to food. Current guidelines are to feed only milk until 6 months so we have been in no hurry to start weaning. But Marisca is now fascinated by everything we are holding and frequently tries to grab it and get it to her mouth. I had to wrestle my flapjack away from her the other day and she cried - time to introduce her to other foods!
We're planning on following 'baby led weaning' - rather than puree-ing food and spooning it into her we'll let Marisca feed herself. She has the co-ordination to pick up food and will gradually learn how to handle different foods, and eventually swallow them. Even though we're not officially weaning yet, we've started letting Marisca try some fruit and vegetables. So far we've had banana:
And carrot:
And some pre-loaded spoons of yoghurt (I fill it and hand it to her, she smears it everywhere and eventually puts it in her mouth):
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