Monday, 4 May 2015

Happy 5th birthday

Our girl is 5.  So we had a party.  And being a 5 year old girl, that party was a Frozen party.  It turns out that there are a lot of Frozen birthday cards with '5' badges on them.  But they're all the same and are now all in our house!

In a somewhat random order here are some highlights:

Party tea, I clearly managed to achieve what is almost photographically impossible: a shutter speed fast enough to capture a picture of party rings actually on the plate.

The birthday girl.  Just a nice picture really.

We watched Frozen while waiting for 2:30 to tick around.  This gave Marisca the opportunity to show off her very pretty very frozen very twirly dress that Elspeth had sewn.  Check out the twirl!

My favourite game was pin the nose on Olaf.  Particularly as, unlike some parties I have known, there was clearly no seeing through this particular scarf.  At least 4 of them managed to locate the poster, which was a good start.

Pretending to be Elsa.  Awww.

Playing pass the parcel with the girls (and Tom).  Maia, Erica, Poppy, Emily, and Kinza.

And although she wasn't expecting to win any prizes, her being the birthday girl, Marisca excelled at musical bumps, and there's not much judgement to be had in that game, so she had to win.  And was very excited, as you can see.

Birthdays are tiring but a lot of fun.

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