Monday, 27 December 2010
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Proper snow
The Mountain Buggy performed beautifully, both on the paths and through the trees:
Marisca thought snow looked odd, but couldn't play with it as much as she would have liked as we'd trapped her hands in mittens:
But she enjoyed watching it fall off the trees when Daddy swung on the branches!
My new nappies arrived
I'm not always smiling...
Tim's parenting style involves sympathy at all times:
And don't worry - a quick cuddle with Daddy and Risky was back to her usual smiling self!
And while we think out girl is getting bigger by the day, here's a reminder that she's still quite small really:
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Seven months
It's been a fun month. Sitting is old hat now, no pillows needed for support any more! Marisca now gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth, but is showing no signs of wanting to crawl just yet. This is good, as it means I can still pop out to the kitchen to get a cup of tea knowing she won't have got into mischief while I'm away. Favourite toys at the moment are ribbons, an old necklace, juggling cubes and anything Mummy or Daddy are holding and trying to use. You will note there are no *actual* baby toys in that list...
And - whisper it - sleeping is getting better, with much less protesting. Or maybe I've finally got to the stage of coping with the crying! Marisca is pretty predictable with nap times, which means we have a routine of sorts to our days. It's not Gina Ford, but it works for us. The best bit of my day? Walking into Marisca's room after a nap and seeing the huge smile she gives me every time. Melts my heart :-)
Sunday, 5 December 2010
The photos are a month or so old but I just found them again and wanted to share!
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Because I don't want to do the washing up
Sunday, 7 November 2010
six months
The new skill this month is sitting:
Marisca can't sit up by herself yet, but if you put her in a sitting position she'll sit unaided - until she gets bored and flops down. She's usually surrounded by cushions just in case... all of this movement and new positions has given Marisca a new view on the world, and she's loving it.
We still have crying at nap times, which still breaks my heart, but I know we can cope with it as I know it is just her way of settling. I look forward to the month where the update says she's grown out of crying to sleep though! Meanwhile weaning continues, which is great fun for all of us. I'll post a separate entry on how that's going as the pictures are classic.
It seems a very long time ago that we brought home our little scrap of a newborn girl. That baby has vanished, to be replaced by our little girl with her own personality, likes and dislikes. It's been a hard six months with so many new things to learn and worry about, but I wouldn't change a thing. I'm looking forward to all the new things Marisca will learn over the next six months, and all the joy she will bring to our family!
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Happy half year!
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Autumn colour
This also provided Tim and Marisca with an opportunity to try out their new mode of transport, a proper hiking backpack:
After afternoon tea and a quick outfit change, Marisca enjoyed playing with the autumn leaves:
Visiting my cousins
There was plenty of space on the floor for both of us to roll around on, and we were so mobile that I'm surprised that Daddy managed to get a photo of us in the same place facing in the same direction!
We went swimming on Saturday which was fun, and went for a walk to the park on Sunday. Of course Elliot and I didn't walk - we're too important to have to walk to places, we have people to push us around instead.
Maybe next time I'll be big enough for the swings too!
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
not really weaning
Anyway, over the last couple of weeks we have been starting to introduce Marisca to food. Current guidelines are to feed only milk until 6 months so we have been in no hurry to start weaning. But Marisca is now fascinated by everything we are holding and frequently tries to grab it and get it to her mouth. I had to wrestle my flapjack away from her the other day and she cried - time to introduce her to other foods!
We're planning on following 'baby led weaning' - rather than puree-ing food and spooning it into her we'll let Marisca feed herself. She has the co-ordination to pick up food and will gradually learn how to handle different foods, and eventually swallow them. Even though we're not officially weaning yet, we've started letting Marisca try some fruit and vegetables. So far we've had banana:
And carrot:
And some pre-loaded spoons of yoghurt (I fill it and hand it to her, she smears it everywhere and eventually puts it in her mouth):
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Monday, 4 October 2010
Five months
Thursday, 23 September 2010
In praise of the mountain buggy

Marisca likes it because it's comfortable for her. She has spent the last few months in the separate carry cot, but has just become too long for it, so has now graduated to the buggy seat:
She can still lie flat for naps, but can now sit up and see a lot more of the world. It should take her a while to grow out of it (you can see the footrest in the above shot!) So far she seems to be liking the change of view.
We fitted a cycle computer to the buggy to encourage me to get out and walk with it, but I really haven't needed much encouragement. It's so easy to use and so right for us that it was worth the expense! Thank you to my parents for generously buying it for us.
Getting creative
I still have a knitted patchwork blanket on the go, but am tempted to get on with some more creative projects. Any suggestions?
Monday, 20 September 2010
This suggested that a breastfed baby should have a two hour nap in the morning, another two hour nap in the afternoon, and feed every four hours. What?? Marisca sleeps for 40 minutes several times a day, and feeds every 2 to 2.5 hours (but sleeps through the night). I started stressing - should I try to make her sleep for longer, should I try to stretch her feeds, would she be happier in more of a routine etc. As with all baby books, this one of course said that all babies can follow this pattern with no problems. Then I made he mistake of looking on the internet. Lots of people saying two hour naps are the way forward, others saying they had no routine, others with different schedules. Not to mention the discussions about best times for bed/waking up!! I hit a low point and worried I was doing everything wrong.
Then I sat back and took stock. Marisca consistently sleeps through the night, from approx 7 pm to 6 or 7 am. She sometimes wakes once in that time for a feed, but then goes straight back to sleep. She consistently gets tired two hours after she's woken in the morning and goes down for a 40 minute nap - sometimes longer, never shorter. She generally gets hungry every two hours, sometimes a bit longer if she's slept a lot. When she's getting tired (generally two hours after she wakes up from a nap), she gets bags under her eyes and we know to put her down - if we don't, she will cry with tiredness but eventually settle to sleep. If we put her in her cot she knows it's time to sleep and will settle down. It's not a set 'routine', but it's working for us, and fits with our varied days.
So I'm ignoring baby books and 'experts' and the internet and going with what feels right and works for us. That way we should all stay happy and well rested! I'll kepp you updated on whether this works, or whether I resort to expert opinion again...
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Camping. Again!
We chose to go to the North York Moors again having enjoyed our weekend there at the end of last year's camping holiday. We found a nice campsite just outside Robin Hood's Bay with really stunning views.
Aside from the fun of the tent, we had a really nice time. We had our first proper walk (over a hill, with an OS map, and lunch halfway round, although only 5 and a half miles it's a good start) up over the moor of Ainthorpe Rigg and down Little Fryup Dale. Mmmm. Marisca enjoyed the walk in the sling more than the scratchy heather when she needed changing on the top.
Later on we drove up Beacon Hill to introduce Risky to trig points. I know it doesn't really count because we didn't walk there, but it's good enough for us.
On the day we packed everything up, we did go into Whitby and enjoyed the traditional sights, in traditional weather. Yes, Marisca was nicely wrapped up in a sling with mummy. Yes, that means mummy had to wear daddy's waterproof. Yes, that means daddy didn't have a raincoat. Note to self: take two daddy sized raincoats on our next camping holiday.
The Baptism of Marisca Grace
First: the fashion. Marisca wore a dazzling number in white lace (I think). An heirloom christening gown which her mum, aunt, and in different part her gran and grandad were all christened in (I think). It's a Crocker special, in any case, and received lots of admiring comments.
For the ceremony itself, our girl was impeccably behaved. Hanging on Martin's every word, almost enjoying the baptism of water, and charming the congregation as she went round during the singing of Be Thou My Vision (another common thread from our wedding).

If anyone has any photos from the day, please do send them to Elspeth or myself. We hardly took any ourselves, presumably we had too much to do in making sure everything went smoothly. Thanks to my dad for the ones of the service including the one above.