Wednesday, 9 May 2012

English heritage

We love English heritage.  And English Heritage.  Being members of the latter and fans of the former, any and all of our children will be forced to go and see a lot of ruins.  Our membership allows us to take 6 children each in for free.  Thankfully, it does not oblige us to do so.

As well as Carlisle Castle, we visited Lanercost Priory and some of the sites on Hadrian's Wall.  Here are some of the arches at the priory, for context.

And here is what Marisca looks like in her fair weather exploring outfit, just after she's decided she wants her sandwich after all.  Actually, I've got dozens of photos of her in the same combination, so it could have been at any point in the hour after she asked for the sandwich.  It was a really nice hour of poddling around with her.

Mummy and Marisca see something.

Daddy and Marisca see Mummy.

Two more shots just of Marisca in the ruined church.  Just because I like them.

Then on our last day we went to Hadrian's wall, visiting Birdoswald and Housesteads forts.  Every piece of literature I read told me that it was built by legionaries and then manned by auxiliaries.  Legionaries were used to build the wall because it was believed that they'd do a better job of it.  This guy clearly enjoys building walls.

Here's Housesteads, again for context.  And yet more blue sky.

Marisca off exploring some ruins (I think this bit is the granary, so she's obviously looking for lunch), in her wet weather exploring outfit.

And finally, she shows off some great swordplay in authentic garb.  I'd stand next to her in a shield wall any day.

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