Saturday 24 November 2012

Thomas, the first week

Well, what a week we've had. We're now a family of four, and I think that we all really really love it. I'm tapping away with Thomas on one arm while Elspeth and Marisca are downstairs making a cup of tea, and then we'll be set for another trip to a cafe I think.

Tom is proving to be a lovely baby, so happy and peaceful most of the time.  Comparisons with his sister will plague his life, as I know being second child to a wonderful older sister myself, so I'll hold off on that for at least a couple of posts.

So to think about just him, he's sleeping a lot of the time but has a few spells of awake and alertness each day. One normally in the middle of the night. But after that wakefulness he normally (normally? He's only had 5 nights at home...) has a big feed and sleeps for a few hours.  He's feeding really well too, it's clearly going in and keeping him sustained.  He doesn't like having his nappy changed, although I think this is about getting his poor little legs cold. He's healthy, a little jaundiced, not losing much weight by day 3, and we're having more midwifery this afternoon so will check in again later.

Mum and dad are doing pretty well too.  We're vaguely amazed by how well we're managing so far, and hope we keep going strong. And how is his sister coping? That's a subject for the next post...

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